AXXERON HESCH elec­tron­icsYour part­ner for indus­trial elec­tron­ics and automa­tion

As a medium-sized com­pany, HESCH has been devel­op­ing and pro­duc­ing inno­v­a­tive indus­trial elec­tron­ics made in Ger­many for decades. We are your part­ner for resource-effi­cient solu­tions and com­po­nents in process and indus­trial automa­tion.
Find out more about our elec­tron­ics ser­vices and HESCH’s proven MSR & OEM prod­ucts.

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Neue Ventilsteuerungen von AXXERON HESCH electronics

Get to know our new prod­uct devel­op­ments now HE 5709 and HE 5713 now!

Valve and fil­ter con­trols for dedust­ing sys­temsView prod­ucts now

Dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure reg­u­la­tors & trans­mit­ters for eval­u­at­ing gas pres­sures View prod­ucts

Automa­tion com­po­nents and I&C tech­nol­ogyView prod­ucts >

Resource effi­ciencyLearn more now >

Elec­tron­ics pro­duc­tionLearn more now >

We are your spe­cial­ist for elec­tron­ics devel­op­ment Find out more now

Devel­op­ment & man­u­fac­tur­ing for indus­trial automa­tion

  From the ini­tial idea to the final imple­men­ta­tion: AXXERON HESCH elec­tron­ics accom­pa­nies your project from start to fin­ish. We develop cus­tom-fit elec­tronic devices, sys­tems and equip­ment for you, includ­ing the asso­ci­ated mechan­i­cal design, and man­u­fac­ture them our­selves in our fac­tory. In addi­tion, our well-equipped EMC lab­o­ra­tory enables you to carry out cost-effec­tive EMC test­ing dur­ing devel­op­ment. Accord­ing to your wishes and require­ments, we work for you in the areas of elec­tron­ics devel­op­ment and elec­tron­ics man­u­fac­tur­ing as a con­sul­tant, part­ner, ser­vice provider and sup­plier.

Why indus­trial automa­tion with HESCH?

Many rea­sons speak for HESCH as an Indus­try Automa­tion Part­ner!

Decades of expe­ri­ence

Exper­tise in many branches of indus­try

Inno­v­a­tive top devel­op­ers

Inter­na­tional Indus­try 4.0 align­ment

Cer­ti­fi­ca­tions & high­est qual­ity

Mul­ti­ple suc­cesses & awards

Full ser­vice from one source

Indi­vid­ual cus­tomer ser­vice

Reli­able OEM coop­er­a­tion part­ner

Scal­able top prod­ucts

Sus­tain­able, cost-reduc­ing solu­tions

1A Sup­port & Ser­vice

High degree of net­work­ing in the indus­try

Cen­tral loca­tion near the trade fair city of Hanover

MSR Indus­trial Elec­tron­ics

AXXERON HESCH is a highly qual­i­fied spe­cial­ist for pro­fes­sional mea­sure­ment, con­trol and reg­u­la­tion tech­nol­ogy solu­tions.

In our prod­uct port­fo­lio, you will there­fore find proven top prod­ucts for instru­men­ta­tion and con­trol tech­nol­ogy, as well as automa­tion com­po­nents for indus­trial automa­tion and intel­li­gent con­trols for the clean­ing process of indus­trial fil­ter sys­tems. If nec­es­sary, we make cus­tomer-spe­cific prod­uct mod­i­fi­ca­tions to meet the spe­cial require­ments of process and indus­trial tech­nol­ogy.

Mul­ti­func­tional con­troller – one for all! Learn more >

HIMOD – The intel­li­gent process I/O sys­tem Learn more now >

The HESCH Port­fo­lio

We drive indus­trial automa­tion for­ward with ser­vices and prod­ucts from the fol­low­ing areas:

  • Cus­tomized mea­sur­ing and con­trol devices, con­trollers and sys­tem solu­tions for a wide range of indus­tries
  • Spe­cial mea­sur­ing instru­ments and con­trols for fil­ter and ven­ti­la­tion tech­nol­ogy for indus­trial fil­ter sys­tems: valve con­trols, fil­ter con­trols, sole­noid valvecon­trols
  • Field­bus tech­nol­ogy: Dis­plays with I/O func­tion­al­ity, I/O mod­ules, oper­a­tor ter­mi­nals / HMI
  • Dig­i­tal dis­plays, trans­duc­ers, iso­la­tion ampli­fiers, ana­log and dig­i­tal con­trollers
  • Sen­sors for tem­per­a­ture, pres­sure, dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure, force, weigh­ing, level, etc.
all around filtration

Indus­trial Automa­tion & Net­work­ing

As a co-founder of the “all around fil­tra­tion” net­work, or aafi for short, HESCH invites experts from the automa­tion and fil­ter tech­nol­ogy indus­try to a knowl­edge-rich indus­try get-together every year, where tech­ni­cal know-how and many years of exper­tise are com­bined through spe­cial­ist pre­sen­ta­tions and net­work­ing.  

We are AXXERON HESCH elec­tron­ics: your expe­ri­enced part­ner for indus­trial elec­tron­ics and automa­tion.
