Elec­tron­ics Man­u­fac­tur­ing

Our pro­duc­tion pos­si­bil­i­ties range from pro­to­type con­struc­tion to small batch pro­duc­tion and series pro­duc­tion.


With dis­tinc­tive cus­tomer ori­en­ta­tion, many years of expe­ri­ence as well as pro­fes­sional con­sult­ing and con­cep­tion, we offer an all-round ser­vice in the field of elec­tron­ics man­u­fac­tur­ing.


In addi­tion to the lat­est SMD pro­duc­tion tech­nol­ogy, we man­u­fac­ture using con­ven­tional THT (through-hole tech­nol­ogy), for exam­ple for spe­cial designs, and also offer com­plete device pro­duc­tion and con­trol cab­i­net con­struc­tion.

The lat­est tech­nol­ogy in elec­tron­ics pro­duc­tion

FUJI-AIMEXIIIc machine for electronics production at HESCH

The heart of our mod­ern SMD line are the Fuji AIMEX IIIc place­ment machines, which are char­ac­ter­ized by short changeover times and a very high pro­duc­tion qual­ity. Unlike pure EMS providers, small or fre­quently chang­ing batch sizes are also wel­come. For this rea­son, small series pro­duc­tion is also pos­si­ble at HESCH.

Reli­able and on-time pro­duc­tion is sup­ported by inter­na­tional com­po­nent pro­cure­ment, an end-to-end ERP logis­tics sys­tem and ISO 9001:2015 qual­ity man­age­ment.

Are you look­ing for a part­ner for elec­tron­ics man­u­fac­tur­ing?

Write to us or call us right away:

+49 5032 - 9535 0

AOI electronics production at HESCH

Qual­ity assur­ance through out­put test­ing

Already dur­ing the assem­bly of the cir­cuit boards, sev­eral types of checks pre­vent the occur­rence of errors. In addi­tion, all printed cir­cuit boards in elec­tron­ics pro­duc­tion are sub­jected to an auto­matic out­put inspec­tion, or AOI for short (auto­matic opti­cal inspec­tion). The fin­ished devices are also tested for proper func­tion using appro­pri­ate test equip­ment and endurance tests. The result: High­est qual­ity

Our ser­vices

Elec­tron­ics pro­duc­tion accord­ing to national and inter­na­tional stan­dards

Pro­to­type con­struc­tion, small batch pro­duc­tion, series pro­duc­tion

Ser­ial num­ber man­age­ment for each fin­ished prod­uct

Inter­na­tional pur­chas­ing for opti­mized com­po­nent sup­ply

Stor­age ser­vice for your prod­ucts

Reflow sol­der­ing sys­tem with flex­i­ble pro­file man­ager

High heat out­put, max­i­mum flex­i­bil­ity due to twelve heat­ing zones and indi­vid­ual sol­der­ing pro­files enable best sol­der­ing results

The sol­der­ing pro­files are stored and are avail­able at any time

Of course we sol­der lead-free accord­ing to RoHS (Restric­tion of (the use of cer­tain) Haz­ardous Sub­stances).

THT Konventionelle Durchstecktechnik für Sonderbauformen

Mount­ing (push-through mount­ing)

THT (through-hole tech­nol­ogy) com­po­nents are wired com­po­nents which are inserted through the open­ings in the printed cir­cuit board. This is done con­ven­tion­ally at HESCH. The com­bi­na­tion of SMD (Sur­face mounted Device) and THT assem­bly is a fre­quent neces­sity and is also called mixed assem­bly. The advan­tage of THT mount­ing is the pos­si­bil­ity of pro­cess­ing very large com­po­nents and spe­cial designs such as power sup­ply units. Our well-trained and expe­ri­enced team in elec­tron­ics man­u­fac­tur­ing guar­an­tees the high­est qual­ity.

Electronics production with the pick-and-place machine from industry leader Fuji with 260 feeder slots

Auto­matic elec­tron­ics pro­duc­tion

With 260 feeder slots, the auto­matic place­ment machines from indus­try leader Fuji offer appro­pri­ate feed­ers for almost every com­po­nent and com­po­nent shape. Whether rolls, trays or even bars – we are pre­pared for (almost) every com­po­nent.

Sales employee at HESCH

Would you like more infor­ma­tion?

Give us a call at:

+49 5032 9535-0

or write us via the con­tact form.

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