A per­fect con­nec­tion

New con­nec­tion adapter expands range of appli­ca­tions for Δp valve and fil­ter con­trollers

HESCH has sim­pli­fied the instal­la­tion of its dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure valve and fil­ter con­trols even fur­ther: A new Δp-con­nec­tion adapter with 6 mm and 8 mm con­nec­tions now enables the safe cou­pling of fil­ter hous­ings and mea­sur­ing sys­tems.

The adapter is com­pat­i­ble with all HESCH valve and fil­ter con­trols and is made of robust mate­r­ial. Due to its small size of only 57 mm x 57 mm, it requires very lit­tle instal­la­tion space. For uncom­pli­cated one-sided instal­la­tion of the con­nec­tion adapter, a 13-piece set includ­ing seal, pre-fil­ter and instal­la­tion mate­r­ial is sup­plied.


Dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure, valve and fil­ter con­trollers from HESCH are used in numer­ous indus­trial appli­ca­tions – includ­ing the detec­tion of vol­ume flow on pipelines, level mea­sure­ment in liq­uid con­tain­ers, dust removal tech­nol­ogy or build­ing automa­tion.
