Clean air in indus­trial plants

The HE 5760 fil­ter con­trol unit is pow­er­ful and sig­nif­i­cantly reduces com­mis­sion­ing times.

Highly adapt­able and intu­itive to set up: This is the HE 5760 mas­ter valve con­troller from AXXERON HESCH elec­tron­ics. The CAN con­troller was spe­cially devel­oped for clean­ing cham­ber-based dust extrac­tion sys­tems.

With the HE 5760, AXXERON HESCH offers the indus­try a mas­ter-slave sys­tem for large sys­tems in which the required slaves are con­nected to the mas­ter con­troller via field­bus accord­ing to the size of the sys­tem. The flex­i­ble con­cept can be adapted to almost any desired num­ber of fil­ter cham­bers and valves. This means that the sys­tem can be con­fig­ured to cus­tomer spec­i­fi­ca­tions and pre-assem­bled right down to the valve con­nec­tor. Sys­tem oper­a­tors ben­e­fit from greatly reduced com­mis­sion­ing times and costs.


Instead of pro­gram­ming, the HE 5760 is con­fig­ured sim­ply by select­ing a func­tion. The desired para­me­ters are set quickly and eas­ily using the Smart­Tool PC soft­ware from AXXERON HESCH or via the con­trol menu. The para­me­ter­i­za­tion and the respec­tive sys­tem sta­tus are stored in a 1 MB flash mem­ory and are pro­tected against power fail­ure.

HE 5760 Filtersteuerung von Axxeron Hesch electronics
HE 5760 Mas­ter-Slave-Fil­ter­s­teuerung für Großan­la­gen
Bis zu 48 Slave-Steuerun­gen mit jew­eils 12 Ven­tilen (HE 5725) ermöglichen ein Gesamt­sys­tem mit 576 Ven­ti­laus­gän­gen.

The HE 5760 can con­trol a total of up to 576 valves using up to 48 slave con­trollers with up to 12 valves each (e.g. type HE 5725). This means that even demand­ing fil­ter con­trol tasks can be real­ized with the tech­nol­ogy of large multi-cham­ber fil­ters. Thanks to the scal­a­bil­ity, small sys­tems can also be equipped at a favor­able price-per­for­mance ratio.


AXXERON HESCH also sup­plies the HE 5760 as an optional com­plete sys­tem in the con­trol cab­i­net. The com­pany man­u­fac­tures cus­tomized con­trol cab­i­nets and con­trol boxes at its site in Neustadt near Hanover. They are pro­duced accord­ing to indi­vid­ual spec­i­fi­ca­tions and in com­pli­ance with the rel­e­vant stan­dards and reg­u­la­tions (EMC/UL/ATEX).

View HE 5760