Donation for a good cause
Participation fees for all around filtration go to the Löwenherz children’s hospice.
Valuable information on increasing the efficiency of large filter systems and the effects of the energy transition on the industry: this and more awaited participants at the all around filtration symposium organized by AXXERON HESCH electronics and Buschjost GmbH. Representatives of the filter technology industry met in Frankfurt am Main for an intensive exchange of ideas.
Right at the beginning, Hans-Joachim Beckmann from Buschjost GmbH provided impressive figures on the savings potential of large filter systems. The expert demonstrated the advantages of filter valves with TPE diaphragms to the conference participants: they not only allow switching times to be accelerated by 20 percent. Compared to conventional fabric diaphragms, the TPE versions also have a significantly longer service life of 1.5 to 5 million switching cycles (fabric: 0.25 million to 1 million cycles). In tank system valves, valves with TPE diaphragms also increase the air volume per cleaning pulse by up to 17 percent and the pressure energy by up to 35 percent.
Werner Brandis, CEO of AXXERON HESCH electronics GmbH, also provided the audience with an aha moment. Brandis made it clear that the compressed air costs for large filter systems can be reduced by using the HE 5750 from AXXERON HESCH electronics can be significantly reduced. The reason: the HE 5750 allows the compressed air pulse to be regulated as required – i.e. only as much compressed air is delivered as is needed to clean the filter. With a filter system with 96 valves and compressed air costs of around 15,800 euros per year, the HE 5750 enables savings of around 3,500 euros per year, according to Brandis. Added to this is the significantly longer filter service life, as the fabrics are subjected to less stress due to the better dosed compressed air pulses. This also results in savings.
Finally, Werner Brandis gave an outlook on the new generation of filter controllers from AXXERON HESCH electronics: These controllers will also allow filter systems to be regulated to a fixed operating point. Users can then choose between an operating point with low or higher differential pressure.
The German Engineering Federation (VDMA ) was also represented at all around filtration. In their contribution, Andre Koring and Thorsten Gehrke made it clear why a possible complete ban on perfluorinated and polyfluorinated chemicals (PFAS) would have a very negative impact on the industry. As many seals, pipes and valves in industrial environments are made of PFAS and there is often no alternative, a complete ban on the substances would pose major problems for many companies, according to the VDMA. The association is therefore calling for the risk-based approach to the regulation of PFAS to be retained.
Andre Koring and Thorsten Gehrke also outlined to the participants possible compromises to the complete ban on PFAs demanded by authorities in some EU countries.
Management consultant and publicist Staffan Reveman pointed out the consequences of the energy transition for the industry in his contribution. Reveman sees great potential in the reuse of industrial waste heat to reduce the energy consumption of manufacturing companies. Many industries are expecting higher electricity demand, according to Reveman. As things stand at present, this cannot be achieved in Germany without fossil fuels – without greenwashing. Increasing energy efficiency is an important factor in being able to cover future electricity requirements.
In order to operate systems and machines more energy-efficiently and thus remain competitive, large investments are sometimes required. With the right support programs, companies can be greatly relieved financially. Alessandro Hox from Limón GmbH took the participants on a tour of the conveyor landscapes with his presentation.
Everything for a good cause
The organizers AXXERON HESCH electronics GmbH and Buschjost GmbH donated the entire participation fee of 2529 EUR to the children’s hospice Löwenherz e.V. in Syke near Bremen.
The Löwenherz Children’s and Youth Hospice takes in children, adolescents and young adults with life-shortening illnesses. Here they and their families are accompanied and strengthened to draw new strength. This is because parents are often on the verge of exhaustion due to the daily demands of everyday life – and their own needs take a back seat. There is also the uncertainty of how long the child has to live and how the death can be dealt with.
At Löwenherz, the families not only find security and care for their sick child, but also time for each other. They can also exchange ideas with other parents.
In addition to these respite stays, parents are also accompanied on their child’s last journey.