New AOI sys­tem in use

Detect faults in THT-assem­bled printed cir­cuit boards in good time.

With the VeriSpec­tor from Marantz elec­tron­ics, we have made an impor­tant invest­ment for the Auto­matic Opti­cal Inspec­tion (AOI) of man­u­ally assem­bled printed cir­cuit boards for the Neustadt site.

Sim­i­lar to SMD man­u­fac­tur­ing, ensur­ing qual­ity proves to be essen­tial in the field of THT as well. Given the numer­ous wired com­po­nents in man­ual assem­bly, errors are often unavoid­able. By inte­grat­ing the VeriSpec­tor, we are able to imme­di­ately detect irreg­u­lar­i­ties in the THT assem­bly.

The AOI test is now per­formed directly before the PCB passes through the sol­der wave. In line with the ten­fold cost of defects rule – at each man­u­fac­tur­ing step, the cost of unde­tected defects increases ten­fold – this invest­ment makes a sig­nif­i­cant con­tri­bu­tion to reduc­ing defect rec­ti­fi­ca­tion costs. An addi­tional plus point of the new sys­tem is the reduc­tion in pro­duc­tion through­put times for printed cir­cuit board assem­bly.

A 100% out­put test through func­tional and endurance tests of PCBs and end devices for qual­ity assur­ance is essen­tial at AXXERON HESCH.

The new AOI sys­tem in Neustadt detects defects on THT-assem­bled printed cir­cuit boards in real time. The AOI checks com­po­nents, pres­ence, align­ment, shape, off­set, text, color, and per­forms bar­code reads. An inte­grated 24-megapixel cam­era and a high-res­o­lu­tion lens allow even the small­est details to be cap­tured, so errors can be cor­rected imme­di­ately.

Kon­tinuier­liche Investi­tion in die Elek­tron­ikfer­ti­gung am Stan­dort Neustadt und in der Nieder­las­sung Wen­torf


Qual­ität hat ober­ste Pri­or­ität bei AXXERON HESCH. Dies zeigt sich in unserem ISO 9001:2015 Qual­itäts­man­age­mentsys­tem und den kon­tinuier­lichen Investi­tio­nen zur Fer­ti­gung­sop­ti­mierung, zuletzt mit der Erweiterung um zwei hochmod­erne FUJI AIMEX IIIc-Bestück­ungsauto­maten am Stan­dort Neustadt. Auch für die neue Nieder­las­sung in Ham­burg sind ähn­liche Investi­tio­nen geplant, um die Prozessqual­ität zu erhöhen und Durch­laufzeiten zu verkürzen.
