Opti­mum con­trol of shaker fil­ter sys­tems – the new HE 5733 makes it pos­si­ble

Longer fil­ter ser­vice life, reli­able sed­i­men­ta­tion and short offline phases of the suc­tion fan: The new HE 5733 shaker fil­ter con­trol unit from AXXERON HESCH elec­tron­ics offers users many advan­tages. The device already con­tains all the nec­es­sary con­nec­tions for the shaker motor and fan (up to 5 kW) and can be installed quickly.

Whether on silos, on fill­ing sys­tems or for work­place extrac­tion: Shaker fil­ters are still used in many areas, as they do not require a com­pressed air con­nec­tion.

To ensure that the sys­tems achieve their max­i­mum fil­tra­tion per­for­mance, reg­u­lar clean­ing must be con­trolled sim­ply and reli­ably. With the HE 5733, AXXERON HESCH elec­tron­ics is now launch­ing a fil­ter con­troller that is opti­mally adapted to the require­ments of shaker fil­ters.

The new HE 5733 con­trol unit from AXXERON HESCH elec­tron­ics enables the effi­cient clean­ing of shaker fil­ters.

With the HE 5733, sys­tem oper­a­tors can increase the fil­ter ser­vice life, as the fil­ter pres­sure val­ues can be set indi­vid­u­ally. The set­tling times, as long as the suc­tion fan is not active, can also be freely selected. This ensures reli­able sed­i­men­ta­tion in the dust dis­charge. For mobile fil­ters with a 400 V plug con­nec­tion, there is inte­grated rotat­ing field detec­tion and phase pres­ence mon­i­tor­ing.


As all com­po­nents of the HE 5733 fil­ter con­trol unit are installed in a robust plas­tic hous­ing with pro­tec­tion class IP65, the con­trol unit can also be used out­doors with­out an addi­tional heat­ing ele­ment. The HE 5733 is also approved for ATEX zone 22 (dust) and can there­fore also be used in areas with a briefly occur­ring explo­sive atmos­phere.

The HE 5733 option­ally records the dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure via the fil­ter or con­trols the clean­ing process fully auto­mat­i­cally via the adjustable process times. The user can not only set the time for clean­ing, but also the clean­ing cycles and the set­tling time indi­vid­u­ally. Para­me­ter­i­za­tion is pos­si­ble via the key­pad and the LED dis­play of the con­trol unit as well as via lap­top (with con­nec­tion adapter). Cor­re­spond­ing inputs and out­puts are avail­able for a remote start or sig­nal­ing.

Sim­ple con­nec­tion

  1. Dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure mea­sure­ment with ana­log out­puts
  2. Relay out­puts (operation/fault, dp alarm)
  3. Dig­i­tal inputs
  4. Power sup­ply
  5. Motor pro­tec­tion for fan and vibra­tor
  6. Power con­tac­tor for fan
  7. Power con­tac­tor for vibra­tors
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