Pre-pres­sure con­trol increases the effi­ciency of fil­ter sys­tems

A new fea­ture of the HE 5750 clean­ing con­trol sig­nif­i­cantly reduces com­pressed air costs

Con­trol sys­tems for large indus­trial fil­ter sys­tems are often poorly reg­u­lated and there­fore con­sume more com­pressed air and thus energy than nec­es­sary. With the HE 5750 clean­ing con­trol sys­tem from HESCH, on the other hand, com­pa­nies save money: The fil­ter con­trol sys­tem pulses the valves depend­ing on the load and thus opti­mizes them to meet demand. In addi­tion, the HE 5750 now offers fur­ther intel­li­gent func­tions such as “pre-pres­sure con­trol”, with which com­pressed air con­sump­tion can be reduced even fur­ther.

Resource efficiency in dust removal technology HESCH-Photo-AdobeStock25738420
Ressourcenef­fizienz in der Entstaubung­stech­nik HESCH-Foto-Adobe­Stock­25738420

Sav­ing energy costs is more impor­tant than ever and the indus­try is look­ing for ways to reduce energy con­sump­tion. With its HE 5750 clean­ing con­trol sys­tem, automa­tion spe­cial­ist HESCH offers oper­a­tors of large fil­ter sys­tems an energy-sav­ing alter­na­tive to con­ven­tional sys­tems. These are often out­dated and also often only clean the fil­ters with fixed thresh­olds and thus inef­fi­ciently.


The HE 5750, on the other hand, only trig­gers clean­ing when the degree of con­t­a­m­i­na­tion of the fil­ter really requires it. This already allows oper­a­tors to sig­nif­i­cantly reduce their energy costs. Now HESCH is launch­ing two more fea­tures for the HE 5750, the “changeover unit” and the “pre-pres­sure con­trol”: on the one hand, they increase sys­tem avail­abil­ity and, on the other hand, enable even more eco­nom­i­cal oper­a­tion of the fil­ter sys­tem for air pol­lu­tion con­trol.


With the new inlet pres­sure con­trol, the clean­ing pres­sure is opti­mized depend­ing on the load. The con­trol ensures that only as much com­pressed air is deliv­ered as is nec­es­sary for clean­ing the fil­ter. This con­trol is per­formed by a sim­ple cen­tral valve in the com­pressed air sup­ply line. By pre­cisely adjust­ing the clean­ing pres­sure to the cur­rent demand, not only the costs for com­pressed air are sig­nif­i­cantly reduced. The fil­ter media also have a longer ser­vice life, as they are sub­jected to com­pressed air at low loads far more gen­tly than before. Thus, the new inlet pres­sure con­trol of the HE 5750 also increases the ser­vice life of the fil­ter ele­ments. Another advan­tage of the inno­v­a­tive con­trol func­tion is that it min­i­mizes the con­sump­tion of pre­coat­ing agents. This aux­il­iary layer is applied to fil­ter media, e.g. to improve clean­ing per­for­mance. Since the intel­li­gent con­trol sys­tem opti­mally adapts the num­ber of clean­ing pulses and the clean­ing pres­sure to the degree of con­t­a­m­i­na­tion of the fil­ter, the pre­coat­ing layer is retained for longer. Auto­matic hose rup­ture mon­i­tor­ing and mon­i­tor­ing of the clean­ing valve func­tion also help to increase the avail­abil­ity of fil­ter sys­tems.

Clean­ing con­trol HE 5750

with up to 1024 valve out­puts

New changeover unit enables redun­dancy sys­tem to be set up

Together with the pre-pres­sure con­trol, HESCH has also devel­oped a “changeover unit” that can be used to increase plant avail­abil­ity. The changeover unit is intended for use in redun­dancy sys­tems with two HE 5750 mas­ter con­trollers and has the task of switch­ing the CAN slave periph­ery to one of the two mas­ter con­trollers in each case.


The switchover unit copies the process image and the cur­rent para­me­ters from the active HE 5750 mas­ter to the HE 5750 mas­ter in standby mode. Thus, the changeover unit ensures con­sis­tent data for para­me­ters, process image and cham­ber switch­ing on the two con­nected HE 5750 mas­ter con­trollers. This copy­ing process also serves to mon­i­tor the con­nected HE 5750 mas­ter con­trols for their func­tion or for the pres­ence of the mas­ter con­trol. If the active mas­ter con­trol now fails due to a defect, the sys­tem auto­mat­i­cally switches to the stand-by con­trol, which then seam­lessly takes over the active mas­ter func­tion with cur­rent data. At the same time, a warn­ing mes­sage is sent. The oper­at­ing per­son­nel can then promptly replace the defec­tive con­trol with­out inter­rupt­ing oper­a­tion.
