Smart­Tool – Loader / Basic / Expert

PC software for configuration and parameterization of the HE 5750 / HE 5760 cleaning controllers


Display, set and change statuses and parameters on the PC screen

Data recording




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Smart­Tool Loader (#57509501) – Free of charge

The Smart­Tool Loader soft­ware enables a con­nec­tion between a Win­dows PC and the HE 5750 clean­ing con­trol or the HE 5760 fil­ter con­trol so that all sta­tuses and para­me­ters can be dis­played on the screen. The con­nec­tion is made via an RS232 ser­vice gate­way. The pro­gram can be oper­ated locally on the PC or remotely with an appro­pri­ate modem.

Smart­Tool Loader has lim­ited func­tion­al­ity. This is suf­fi­cient to dupli­cate the con­fig­u­ra­tion of an HE 5750, i.e. to equip a replace­ment device with an exist­ing project, for exam­ple. Data can­not be edited in this mode.


Smart­Tool Basic (#57509502)

The Smart­Tool Basic soft­ware enables very con­ve­nient con­fig­u­ra­tion of the HE 5750 or HE 5760 sys­tem via the Win­dows PC. All sta­tuses and para­me­ters can be dis­played, set and changed on the screen. The con­nec­tion is made via an RS232 ser­vice gate­way. The pro­gram can be oper­ated locally on the PC and also remotely with an appro­pri­ate modem.


Smart­Tool Expert (#57509503)

The Smart­Tool Expert soft­ware offers all the func­tions of Smart­Tool Basic with the addi­tional option of data record­ing. Thus a con­trol, accord­ing to the indi­vid­ual record­ing strat­egy, is pos­si­ble.


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