HE 5697 MFC Starter Kit

Basic version in practical case


1 × HE 5697 MFC Multifunction Controller

1 × communication card

1 × I/O card

1 × PC software »EasyTool MFC«

1 × USB dongle incl. license




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Indi­vid­ual solu­tions for the process indus­try

Multifunction controller and laptop with EasyTool MFC software


With the HE 5697 MFC, every plant tech­ni­cian can map com­plex process sequences intu­itively, quickly and com­pletely with­out pro­gram­ming knowl­edge. This way you remain inde­pen­dent of a pro­gram­ma­ble logic con­troller, also called PLC. You can adapt, opti­miseand fur­ther develop your desired processes at any time in a cost-neu­tral man­ner.


Soft­ware »Easy­Tool MFC« – Always under­stand­able

The cor­re­spond­ing soft­ware “Easy­Tool MFC” has more than 100 pre-con­fig­ured and tested func­tions that can be eas­ily assem­bled on the PC by drag & drop. The soft­ware offers you up to 20 national lan­guages to choose from. You decide freely and flex­i­bly which and how many lan­guages your appli­ca­tion should offer. The soft­ware pro­vides you with the trans­la­tion tem­plate with just a few clicks. All texts in your project are pre-sorted the­mat­i­cally by the pro­gram and out­put as a for­mat­ted CSV file.


Uni­ver­sally applic­a­ble

From food pro­duc­tion (heat­ing of a batch with sub­se­quent cool­ing) to ther­mal pro­cess­ing, there are count­less sec­ondary processes that are so dif­fer­ent that their sequence con­trol could not pre­vi­ously be rep­re­sented by just one con­troller. The HESCH mul­ti­func­tion con­troller is the solu­tion for every con­ceiv­able appli­ca­tion in the field of indus­trial (ther­mal) processes with sequence con­tro.


Try it out! We would be pleased to make you an offer for your indi­vid­ual STARTER-SET.



Technical data

Ver­sorgungss­pan­nung 24 VDC / 100…240 VAC
Aufnehmerver­sorgung 18 V DC / 45 mA
Stro­mauf­nahme Max. 350 mA (24 V DC)
Anzeigeresis­tiver Touch-Screen; 3,5“, Auflö­sung 320 × 240 Pixel QVGA
LEDs2 pro­gram­mier­bare LEDs für Zus­tand­sanzeigen
Tas­ten4 frei beleg­bare Tas­ten
USB-SchnittstellenRück­seite: 1 × USB 2.0 Host (Typ A)
Front­seite: 1 × Mini-USB 2.0 Device (Typ B), gal­vanisch getrennt
Steck­plätze1 × für Kom­mu­nika­tion­skarte
2 × für E/A-Karten
Relais4 poten­zial­freie Relaisaus­gänge mit Wech­sler-
kon­tak­ten (230 V AC / 5A; 24 V DC / 5A)
CPUCor­tex A8, 600 MHz
Bootzeitca. 17 s
ja, net­zaus­fall­gepuffert
Spe­icherinterner Massen­spe­icher 2 GByte eMMC Spe­icher
DDR2 64 MByte
Flash 256 MByte
MRAM 128 kByte
(B × H × T)
98 × 98 × 115 mm ohne Stecker
98 × 98 × 130 mm mit Stecker
SchutzartIP65 front­seitig, IP20 restliches Gehäuse
Lager- und Trans­port-tem­per­atur-20 … +70 °C
Umge­bung­stem­per­atur Betrieb0 … +55 °C

Errors and omis­sions excepted

Scope of delivery

Your starter set in the basic ver­sion con­tains:

  • 1 × HE 5697 MFC mul­ti­func­tion con­troller (mains sup­ply 100-240VAC incl. con­nec­tion cable)
  • 1 × com­mu­ni­ca­tion card (2 × Eth­er­net, 2 × RS485)
  • 1 × I/O card (2 × uni­ver­sal sig­nal input, 2 × stan­dard sig­nal input, 2 × ana­log out­put ( 4-20 mA or 0-10 V), 6 × dig­i­tal input/output)
  • 1 × PC soft­ware »Easy­Tool MFC« on USB stick incl. Oper­at­ing instruc­tions and USB con­nec­tion cable
  • 1 × USB don­gle incl. License for data trans­fer from PC to HE 5697 MFC

Other con­fig­u­ra­tions also pos­si­ble, please con­tact us.


Oper­at­ing Instruc­tions HE 5697 MFC – Ger­man

Oper­at­ing Instruc­tions HE 5697 MFC – Eng­lish

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