Mul­ti­func­tion con­troller – HE 5697 MFC

The alternative to PLC


Create complex flow control yourself

PC-Tool with over 100 ready-made function blocks

Simulation function for smooth commissioning

Fast processor

multiple communication interfaces




Produkt anfragen



Mul­ti­func­tion con­troller – one for all!

Pro­gram­ma­ble logic con­trollers are, in a sense, the brains of the mod­ern fac­tory. But not all tasks require a full-fledged PLC. With the mul­ti­func­tion con­troller, HESCH has there­fore devel­oped a mod­ern con­troller plat­form for indus­trial processes that closes the gap between a stan­dard con­troller and the PLC.


Your process engi­neers think in func­tion blocks – so does the HESCH mul­ti­func­tion con­troller! With the HESCH mul­ti­func­tion con­troller, your process engi­neer can map com­plex process sequences intu­itively, quickly and com­pletely with­out pro­gram­ming knowl­edge.


Reduce costs – pre­serve know-how!

Up to now, the usual way of find­ing an indi­vid­ual solu­tion for tem­per­a­ture reg­u­la­tion and sequence con­trol has usu­ally been via pro­gram­ma­ble logic con­trollers, also known as PLCs.


An exter­nal PLC pro­gram­mer must be con­sulted for each adap­ta­tion. This often results in high costs, as the aver­age daily rates are around 800 to 1000 euros. In addi­tion, trained PLC pro­gram­mers usu­ally do not have the nec­es­sary process knowl­edge. There­fore, your process engi­neer has to explain the process in detail and thus reveals your know-how to out­siders. Sub­se­quently, an elab­o­rate eval­u­a­tion is nec­es­sary. Again and again, this leads to a loss of com­mu­ni­ca­tion between tech­ni­cians and pro­gram­mers. Even after com­mis­sion­ing, a PLC pro­gram­mer must be con­sulted for each adjust­ment.


Pro­mote your inter­nal know-how instead of trans­fer­ring it to the out­side via PLC pro­gram­mers. With the HE 5697 MFC, every process engi­neer is able to cre­ate, opti­mize and mon­i­tor com­plex process con­trols in a very short time.


The mul­ti­func­tion con­troller offers the solu­tion!

The multi-func­tion con­troller from HESCH breaks through these cost dri­vers and enables your process engi­neers to imple­ment your desired processes with­out any pro­gram­ming knowl­edge. These can be adapted, opti­mized and fur­ther devel­oped at any time in a cost-neu­tral man­ner.





Technical data

HE 5697 MFC
Sup­ply volt­age24 VDC / 100…240 VAC
Trans­ducer sup­ply18 V DC / 45 mA
Power con­sump­tion Max. 350 mA (24 V DC)
Dis­play resis­tive touch screen; 3,5“, Res­o­lu­tion 320 × 240 Pixel QVGA
LEDs 2 pro­gram­ma­ble LEDs for sta­tus dis­plays
Keys4 freely assign­a­ble keys
USB inter­facesBack­side: 1 × USB 2.0 Host (Typ A)
Frontside: 1 × Mini-USB 2.0 Device (Typ B), gal­van­i­cally iso­lated
Slots1 × for com­mu­ni­ca­tion card
2 × for I/O card
Relays4 poten­tial-free relay out­puts with changeover con­tacts
(230 V AC / 5A; 24 V DC / 5A)
CPUCor­tex A8, 600 MHz
Boot timeapprox. 17 s
power fail­ure buffered
Mem­oryInter­nal mass mem­ory 2 GByte eMMC mem­ory
DDR2 64 MByte
Flash 256 MByte
MRAM 128 kByte yes, power fail­ure buffered
Hous­ingPanel mount­ing hous­ing
Hous­ing dimen­sions
(W × H × D)
98 × 98 × 115 mm with­out con­nec­tor
98 × 98 × 130 mm with con­nec­tor
Pro­tec­tion classIP65 front side, IP20 remain­ing hous­ing
Stor­age and trans­port tem­per­a­ture-20 … +70 °C
Ambi­ent tem­per­a­ture oper­at­ing0 … +55 °C

Errors and omis­sions excepted



Oper­at­ing Instruc­tions HE 5697 MFC – Ger­man

Oper­at­ing Instruc­tions HE 5697 MFC – Eng­lish

Prod­uct brochure HE 5697 MFC – Ger­man


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