UniÂverÂsal sinÂgle-cirÂcuit conÂtroller / temÂperÂaÂture conÂtroller
The PMA KS42-1 temÂperÂaÂture conÂtroller has been develÂoped for genÂeral conÂtrol tasks in all indusÂtrial secÂtors. The device allows a choice of conÂtrol modes, includÂing simÂple two-point conÂtrol (on/off), conÂtinÂuÂous PID conÂtrol or three-point step conÂtrol. The process value is recorded via a uniÂverÂsal input, while a furÂther anaÂlog input is used to meaÂsure the heatÂing curÂrent or as an exterÂnal setÂpoint input.
The PMA KS42-1 is equipped with three process outÂputs, which can conÂsist of either three relays or two relays and one uniÂverÂsal outÂput. The uniÂverÂsal outÂput can be used to operÂate an SSR relay, as a conÂtinÂuÂous current/voltage outÂput or to supÂply a 2-wire transÂmitÂter.
The conÂtroller is parÂticÂuÂlarly recÂomÂmended for indusÂtrial appliÂcaÂtions such as ovens and fireÂplaces, burnÂers and boilÂers, plasÂtics proÂcessÂing and dryÂers.
FuncÂtions and speÂcial feaÂtures
- UniÂverÂsal verÂsion continuous/switching, i.e. reduced stock keepÂing
- Freely conÂfigÂurable anaÂlog outÂput, e.g. as actual value outÂput
- 100 ms cycle time, i.e. also suitÂable for fast routes
- CusÂtomer-speÂcific linÂearizaÂtion for all input types
- High secuÂrity thanks to passÂword proÂtecÂtion and interÂnal switch
- Extended temÂperÂaÂture range up to 60 °C enables instalÂlaÂtion close to the process
- MeaÂsured value corÂrecÂtion as offÂset or 2-point
- EmerÂgency operÂaÂtion in case of senÂsor break by takÂing over the averÂaged outÂput level
- LogÂiÂcal linkÂing of the digÂiÂtal outÂputs, e.g. for colÂlecÂtive alarms
- ProÂgramÂmer with four segÂments and end sigÂnal
- RS422/485 ModÂbus RTU interÂface
- Built-in transÂmitÂter power supÂply
- WaterÂproof front – IP65
The KS42-1 conÂtroller is designed as a plug-in device. This means that the devices can be replaced quickly, easÂily and withÂout tools.
Self-optiÂmizaÂtion quickly and reliÂably deterÂmines the optiÂmum conÂtrol paraÂmeÂters for fast and overÂshoot-free regÂuÂlaÂtion when the sysÂtem starts up. For heating/cooling conÂtrollers, the paraÂmeÂters for coolÂing are deterÂmined sepÂaÂrately in order to achieve optiÂmum adapÂtaÂtion there too.
OperÂaÂtion and disÂplay
The 10 LEDs on the front reliÂably indiÂcate the operÂatÂing staÂtus, operÂatÂing mode and error mesÂsages.
The automatic/manual butÂton is used to switch the conÂtroller to manÂual mode withÂout any conÂfusÂing operÂatÂing sequences.
This can also be locked or the butÂton can be used to start the timer, for examÂple.
InterÂface and engiÂneerÂing tool
SetÂtings can be made via the front panel as well as via the Blue-Port® front interÂface and the BlueÂConÂtrol® softÂware.
BlueÂConÂtrol® and Blue-Port® are regÂisÂtered tradeÂmarks of PMA ProzeĂź- und MaschiÂnen-AutomaÂtion GmbH