PMA KS90-1

Process controllers for industry

With maintenance manager and error list

Pulse tuning at the setpoint without oscillation

Two universal inputs

Day & night display with bar graph and plain text





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PMA KS 90-1 Process con­troller

The indus­trial and process con­troller PMA KS 90-1 is suit­able for pre­cise and cost-effec­tive con­trol tasks in all areas of indus­try. You can choose between sim­ple on/off con­trol, PID con­trol and motor step con­trol. The actual value sig­nal is con­nected via a uni­ver­sal input. The sec­ond ana­log input is used for heat­ing cur­rent mea­sure­ment, as an exter­nal set­point input or as posi­tion feed­back from motor step con­trollers.

The optional third input serves as a uni­ver­sal input for a vari­ety of func­tions, such as tem­per­a­ture-depen­dent set­point cor­rec­tion or dif­fer­en­tial con­trol.

O² mea­sure­ment and con­trol

The PMA KS 90-1 and PMA KS 92-1 can be used as stan­dard for oxy­gen con­trol with heated and unheated O² probes. The dis­play range is 0.001 ppm…100% O². The unit (ppm / %) is shown auto­mat­i­cally in the four-digit dis­play. The O² con­cen­tra­tion is cal­cu­lated from the high-resis­tance (>200M) recorded probe volt­age (INP1) and the probe tem­per­a­ture (INP3) accord­ing to Nernst’s equa­tion, dis­played and con­trolled as required. For heated probes, the ref­er­ence tem­per­a­ture is entered as a con­stant.
A fil­ter <999.9s can be set to sta­bi­lize the O² dis­play. The cal­i­bra­tion sup­ports the input of cor­rec­tion val­ues (off­set or two-point) in ppm or %O².


PMA KS90-1 Dis­play and oper­a­tion

The Day & Night dis­play is char­ac­ter­ized by par­tic­u­larly high con­trast in both dark and bright sur­round­ings. The sta­tus fields reli­ably dis­play oper­at­ing sta­tuses, oper­at­ing mode and error mes­sages and the plain text dis­play presents var­i­ous process val­ues numer­i­cally or as a bar graph.


Each PMA KS90-1 has four process out­puts: either relays or up to two uni­ver­sal out­puts, which can be con­fig­ured to con­trol solid state relays, as con­tin­u­ous out­puts with cur­rent or volt­age or as trans­mit­ter sup­ply. Two freely usable opto­cou­pler out­puts are avail­able as an option.

Inter­face and engi­neer­ing tool

Set­tings can be made via the front panel as well as via the Blue-Port® front inter­face and the Blue­Con­trol® soft­ware.

Blue­Con­trol® and Blue-Port® are reg­is­tered trade­marks of PMA Prozeß- und Maschi­nen-Automa­tion GmbH



Func­tions and spe­cial fea­tures

  • Uni­ver­sal ver­sion continuous/switching
  • 100 ms cycle time, i.e. also suit­able for fast routes
  • 20 ms as the short­est con­trol pulse
  • Two freely con­fig­urable ana­log out­puts, e.g. as actual value out­put
  • Spe­cial mea­sur­ing range with cus­tomer-spe­cific lin­eariza­tion for all input types
  • Pass­word pro­tec­tion and inter­nal switch for high secu­rity
  • Extended tem­per­a­ture range up to 60 °C enables instal­la­tion close to the process
  • Mea­sured value cor­rec­tion as off­set or 2-point
  • Heat­ing cur­rent mon­i­tor­ing and mea­sur­ing cir­cuit alarm
  • Emer­gency oper­a­tion in case of sen­sor break by tak­ing over the aver­aged out­put level
  • Log­i­cal link­ing of the dig­i­tal out­puts, e.g. for col­lec­tive alarms
  • Pro­gram con­troller vari­ant avail­able
  • RS422/485 Mod­bus RTU inter­face
  • Built-in trans­mit­ter power sup­ply
  • Cus­tomer-spe­cific default data set
  • Water­proof front IP 65

Appli­ca­tions in the ther­mal indus­try

  • Plas­tics pro­cess­ing
  • Ovens
  • Burner and boiler
  • Ther­mal oil sys­tems
  • Dryer
  • Heat treat­ment
HESCH ist PMA Premier Channel Partner
As a Pre­mier Chan­nel Part­ner of PMA, we also sup­ply replace­ments for other PMA prod­ucts.
Please con­tact us on 05032 9535-0


Data sheet PMA KS90-1 – Ger­man

Oper­at­ing instruc­tions PMA KS90-1 – Ger­man

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