Dif­fer­en­tial Pres­sure Reg­u­la­tors & Dif­fer­en­tial Pres­sure Gauges

Dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure: Small dif­fer­ence – big effect

Dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure reg­u­la­tors and dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure gauges are impor­tant instru­ments for mea­sur­ing and reg­u­lat­ing dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure in indus­trial appli­ca­tions. They are indis­pens­able for reduc­ing energy costs, increas­ing effi­ciency and improv­ing the qual­ity of processes.

HESCH offers a wide range of high-qual­ity prod­ucts and indi­vid­ual solu­tions to meet the require­ments of dif­fer­ent appli­ca­tions.

Ranges of appli­ca­tion

Dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure reg­u­la­tors and dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure gauges are mostly used in the fol­low­ing appli­ca­tions:

  • dust extrac­tion sys­tems
  • ven­ti­la­tion and air con­di­tion­ing sys­tems
  • fil­ter mon­i­tor­ing
  • pres­sure and vol­ume flow mon­i­tor­ing
  • Lab­o­ra­tory and med­ical tech­nol­ogy

Take a look at our prod­uct overview now

► Dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure mea­sure­ment tech­nol­ogy
now on


Product overview differential pressure measurement technology

Differenzdruck regeln - Differenzdruckmessgerät von HESCH

The exact detec­tion and con­trol of dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure plays an impor­tant role in many areas of indus­try, but also in build­ing automa­tion. The dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure gauges from HESCH do not just con­trol the con­di­tion of fil­ter sys­tems, but also mon­i­tor the vol­ume flows of ven­ti­la­tion and air con­di­tion­ing sys­tems.

Pre­cise adjust­ment is the pre­req­ui­site here for effec­tive mois­ture and heat pro­tec­tion and a healthy indoor cli­mate. For this pur­pose, we offer the HE 5411 dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure trans­mit­ter an excel­lent and proven prod­uct – but also for space-sav­ing use in the con­trol cab­i­net, we offer the dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure trans­mit­ter for stan­dard rails – HE 5410 a suit­able solu­tion.

Dif­fer­ent types

There are sev­eral types of dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure reg­u­la­tors and dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure gauges that can be selected depend­ing on the appli­ca­tion and mea­sure­ment range – the most com­mon include:

Dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure gauges with and with­out indi­ca­tion / dis­play

dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure trans­mit­ter with ana­logue or dig­i­tal out­put sig­nal

dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure trans­mit­ters for mon­i­tor­ing high pres­sure and low pres­sure appli­ca­tions

Dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure reg­u­la­tors for dust extrac­tion sys­tems

Dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure reg­u­la­tors are par­tic­u­larly impor­tant in dust extrac­tion sys­tems, because com­pressed air is one of the most expen­sive forms of energy. Resource effi­ciency and sus­tain­abil­ity are more than impor­tant in nowa­days, not least because of the energy cri­sis and the result­ing rise in elec­tric­ity prices.


Dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure reg­u­la­tors from HESCH con­trol the clean­ing of the fil­ter ele­ments depend­ing on the mea­sured dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure between the raw gas and clean gas sides.


Com­pared to the still wide­spread time-con­trolled clean­ing, this method reduces the energy require­ment and thus the total costs for a fil­ter sys­tem, because the fil­ter ele­ments are only cleaned as required and adapted to the fil­ter sat­u­ra­tion. This also extends the fil­ter ser­vice life, as the fil­ter ele­ments are pro­tected and exces­sive stress due to com­pressed air shocks is avoided.


The dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure reg­u­la­tion also improves the clean­ing per­for­mance of the entire fil­ter sys­tem. The help­ful fil­ter cake can be formed and even the finest dust par­ti­cles are fil­tered out of the air.

Advan­tages of dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure reg­u­lated clean­ing

Energy sav­ings through demand-opti­mized clean­ing and thus reduc­tion of com­pressed air require­ments

Pro­lon­ga­tion of the fil­ter ser­vice life by reduc­ing the num­ber of com­pressed air shocks

Increas­ing the clean­ing capac­ity of the fil­ter­ing equip­ment

Energy sav­ings through the use of dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure reg­u­la­tors + dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure trans­mit­ters

Differential pressure regulator HESCH

HESCH’s robust sys­tems are a use­ful addi­tion to many indus­trial plants, help­ing com­pa­nies to increase effi­ciency and reduce energy costs.


Fur­ther­more, the use in explo­sive envi­ron­ments of ATEX zone 2 and 22 is pos­si­ble.

As OEM part­ner we sup­ply the dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure reg­u­la­tors and dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure mea­sur­ing trans­duc­ers with indi­vid­ual front foil designs on request, which per­fectly match your own brand.


Fur­ther high-tech prod­ucts from HESCH for mea­sur­ing – con­trol­ling – reg­u­lat­ing can be found in the area of MCR tech­nol­ogy.

How can we help you?

Call us +495032 9535-0

or write us a mes­sage.

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