Dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure reg­u­la­tor with mea­sur­ing line clean­ing – HE 5422 MR

Compact “2-in-1” device facilitates installation and eliminates the need to coordinate between a differential pressure regulator and a separate measuring line cleaner


Permanently prevents possible incorrect measurements


Parameterization either via the device keys or with PC software EasyTool Controls


Can be used worldwide thanks to wide-range power supply 100 - 240 V AC and 24 V DC supply


Approval for ATEX zone 22




Produkt anfragen



Dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure reg­u­la­tor with mea­sur­ing line clean­ing

The HE 5422 MR is a dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure reg­u­la­tor for dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure ranges of 0…35 mbar, 0…90 mbar or 0…450 mbar. As a high­light, the 2-in-1 solu­tion also comes with inte­grated mea­sur­ing line clean­ing. This per­ma­nently pre­vents pos­si­ble incor­rect mea­sure­ments. Tem­per­a­ture fluc­tu­a­tions at the place of use often cause con­den­sa­tion in the mea­sur­ing lines. The inter­nal test lead cleaner reli­ably flushes the test leads at spe­cific inter­vals. The com­pact “2-in-1” device sim­pli­fies instal­la­tion and elim­i­nates the need for coor­di­na­tion between the dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure reg­u­la­tor and a sep­a­rate mea­sur­ing line cleaner.   The wide-range power sup­ply unit for 100 – 240 V AC and 24 V DC allows the dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure reg­u­la­tor to be used world­wide. The con­troller is set either via the mem­brane key­pad directly on the device or via a ser­vice PC using the USB/TTL adapter (optional) and the “Easy­Tool Con­trols” soft­ware.   The work­ing range for clean­ing the com­pact con­troller is defined by a lower and an upper thresh­old. For auto­matic mea­sur­ing line clean­ing, a time inter­val can be freely defined in which the mea­sur­ing lines are blown free by means of com­pressed air with a pre­de­fined blow­ing and recov­ery time. For both the oper­a­tion of the con­troller and the dis­play of the mea­sured val­ues, the HE 5422 MR is equipped with a three-digit 7-seg­ment dis­play, five keys and LEDs.

Technical data

HE 5422 MR
Mea­sur­ing rangeMax­i­mum of 35 mbar (90 or 450 mbar on request)
Max­i­mum dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure 160 mbar
Basic accu­racy± 1% of final value
Tem­per­a­ture drift ± 0.05% / K of final value
Hys­tere­sis ± 0.5% of final value
Intended useDif­fer­en­tial Pres­sure Reg­u­la­tor with inte­grated Mea­sur­ing Hose Clean­ing used to con­trol the clean­ing of indus­trial fil­tra­tion plants
Sup­ply volt­age•   100 – 240 VAC ±10%
•   24 VDC ±10%
Power con­sump­tionMax. 30 W
Dis­play7-seg­ment dis­play, 3 dig­its, 14mm high, red for dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure dis­play, para­me­ter val­ues and alarm mes­sages
LEDs•   7 LEDs for sta­tus indi­ca­tions
•   16 LEDs for dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure indi­ca­tions
Ana­logue out­put•   4…20 mA
•   gal­van­i­cally iso­lated
•   Max. per­miss­able load: 400 Ω
Dig­i­tal inputsStart, post clean­ing. Inter­nally sup­plied by 24 VDC / 1 mA
Relay out­puts•   1 change-over con­tact 250 VAC, 5 A as a com­bined oper­at­ing and    fault indi­ca­tor
•   1 NO con­tact 250 VAC, 5 A as a clean­ing indi­ca­tor
•   2 change-over con­tacts 250 VAC, 5 A as alarm indi­ca­tors
Inter­faces USB Device, Type B for read­ing and writ­ing of para­me­ters (USB / TTL adapter required)
Creep­age dis­tances and clear­ances•   Con­t­a­m­i­na­tion Class 2
•   Over volt­age Cat­e­gory II
•   Inter­fer­ence emis­sion: DIN EN 61000-6-4
•   Inter­fer­ence immu­nity: DIN EN 61000-6-2
Hous­ing•   ABS (acry­loni­trite-buta­di­ene-styrene)
•   IP 65 Pro­tec­tion Class
•   Dimen­sions: 200 mm × 150 mm × 100 mm (W × H × D)
Cable glands•   1 × M25 with mul­ti­ple seal­ing insert for 4 liens with 6 mm     diam­e­ter
•   1 × M20 for sup­ply and com­mu­ni­ca­tion
Elec­tri­cal con­nec­tions•   Power sup­ply: rigid/flex cross-sec­tion 2.5 mm²; flex.: max. 1.5 mm² with    wire and fer­rule
•   Rest: rigid/flex cross-sec­tion 1.5 mm²; flex.: max. 0.75 mm² with    wire and fer­rule
Tech­ni­cal Data
Pneu­matic con­nec­tions•   Pres­sure mea­sur­ing line: 2x push-in bulk­head con­nec­tor for Ø6 mm hose
•   Blow­ing pres­sure con­nec­tion: 1 × push-in bulk­head con­nec­tor for Ø8 mm-
•   Max­i­mum blow­ing pres­sure: 8 bar
Instal­la­tionWall mount­ing, mount­ing posi­tion, ver­ti­cal
Ambi­ent con­di­tions
  Stor­age- 20°C…+ 70°C
  Trans­port - 40°C…+ 85°C
  Oper­a­tion•   - 20°C…+ 50°C
•   in EX zone: -20 °C...+40 °C
  Rel­a­tive humid­ityRel­a­tive humid­ity 95%, no con­den­sa­tion allowed, KUF in accor­dance with DIN 40400

Errors and omis­sions excepted  



Oper­at­ing instruc­tions HE 5422 MR – Ger­man | Eng­lish Dec­la­ra­tion of con­for­mity HE 5422 MR – Ger­man | Eng­lish

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