Dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure trans­mit­ter for stan­dard rails – HE 5410

Ideal for mounting in the switch cabinet

Little space required

For low and medium pressures

Exact detection of differential pressures for gases

With LED to indicate operation




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Dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure trans­mit­ter for stan­dard rails – HE 5410

The dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure trans­mit­ter requires very lit­tle space and is there­fore ideal for use in con­trol cab­i­nets due to its small dimen­sions. Mea­sur­ing ranges between 0…25 and 0…250 mbar can be real­ized by fit­ting dif­fer­ent pres­sure sen­sors. Two con­nec­tion cables are used for the power sup­ply.

The sup­ply cur­rent is the mea­sur­ing sig­nal of 4…20 mA. The oper­at­ing sta­tus is indi­cated by an LED.



  • Avail­able mea­sur­ing ranges: 0…25 / 50 / 100 / 250 mbar
  • Ana­log out­put: 4 … 20 mA
  • Sup­ply: 10 … 36 V DC
  • Pres­sure con­nec­tion: 4 or 6 mm
  • Accu­racy: ±1% of final value
  • Hys­tere­sis: ±0.5% of the final value


Are you look­ing for a device for haz­ardous areas? We rec­om­mend the HE 5411 dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure trans­mit­ter

Areas of application

– Ventilation and air-conditioning technology
– Heating technology
– Filter monitoring
– Flow monitoring
– Building services engineering
– Combustion technology
– Extraction systems

Technical data

HE 5410
Mess­bere­ich 0...Über­druck*Berst­druck**
Sen­sor± 25 mbar
± 50 mbar
± 100 mbar
750 mbar100 mbar
± 250 mbar2000 mbar2000 mbar
MediumLuft, sowie trock­ene, nicht aggres­sive Gase
Grund­ge­nauigkeit± 1 % vom Endw­ert
Tem­per­atur­drift± 0.05 % / K vom Endw­ert
Hys­terese± 0.5 % vom Endw­ert
Hil­f­sen­ergieUb = 10…36 V DC
Analo­gaus­gang4…20 mA, 2-wire tech­nol­ogy
Max. zuläs­sige BürdeRA ≤ (Ub – 9 V) / 0,02 A
Druck­an­schlussSchlauch­nip­pel für Schlauch mit 6 mm Innen­durchmesser (Optional 4 mm)
Abmes­sung22,5 x 113 × 115 mm (B × H × T)
Mon­tageNorm­schiene, Ein­baulage senkrecht, Druck­an­schlüsse unten
Anschlus­sartSchraub-/Steck­klem­men für 0,2 ... 1,5 mm²
Gewicht125 g
Kli­ma­tis­che Anwen­dungsklasseKWF nach DIN 40040 (≤ 75% rel. Feuchte, keine Betau­ung)
Umge­bung­stem­per­atur Betrieb-10° C ... +50° C

*The over­pres­sure is defined as the max­i­mum pres­sure that may be applied to a pres­sure con­nec­tion so that the sen­sor main­tains the spec­i­fi­ca­tions as soon as the pres­sure returns to the oper­at­ing pres­sure range. Higher pres­sures can lead to per­ma­nent dam­age to the prod­uct.
**The burst pres­sure is defined as the max­i­mum pres­sure that can be exerted on one pres­sure port rel­a­tive to the other port (or while only one pres­sure port is con­nected) with­out caus­ing leak­age in the sen­sor.

Errors and mod­i­fi­ca­tions excepted


Data sheet – HE 5410 Dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure trans­mit­ter

Oper­at­ing instruc­tions HE 5410 – Ger­man

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