Dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure trans­mit­ter – HE 5411

Volume flow measurement, overpressure, underpressure and differential pressure measurement


Suitable for use in dusty environments (ATEX approval)

Ideal for filter monitoring

Many measuring ranges

Quick commissioning due to easy mounting and easily accessible connection area




Produkt anfragen



HE 5411 – Dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure trans­mit­ter with limit value indi­ca­tion


The HE 5411 dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure trans­ducer mea­sures the dif­fer­en­tial, pos­i­tive and neg­a­tive pres­sure between two pres­sure inputs and con­verts the mea­sured value into a lin­ear or square root out­put sig­nal of 0(4)…20 mA or 0…10 V. The 4-digit 7-seg­ment dis­play also allows neg­a­tive pres­sures to be dis­played.



  • Accu­rate detec­tion of dif­fer­en­tial pres­sures for dry non-aggres­sive gases
  • Can be used in dusty envi­ron­ments (ATEX approval for zone 2 and zone 22)
  • Ideal for fil­ter mon­i­tor­ing in indus­trial dust col­lec­tion sys­tems
  • Opti­mal adjust­ment of the mea­sur­ing range
  • Adjust­ment of the zero point pos­si­ble
  • Fast com­mis­sion­ing thanks to screw­less hinge tech­nol­ogy and eas­ily acces­si­ble con­nec­tion area
  • Sil­i­cone-free



Areas of appli­ca­tion

  • Build­ing automa­tion / build­ing tech­nol­ogy
  • Spray and paint booths (ATEX Zone 2)
  • med­ical tech­nol­ogy
  • Clean room/laboratory tech­nol­ogy
  • Envi­ron­men­tal Tech­nol­ogy
  • Fir­ing tech­nol­ogy
  • Extrac­tion sys­tems




Expe­ri­ence mod­ern tech­nol­ogy with our first-class dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure trans­mit­ter, designed to help you in a wide range of appli­ca­tions:


  • Inde­pen­dent fil­ter mon­i­tor­ing (police fil­ter)
  • Pressure/suction con­trol (pres­sure cab­ins)
  • Over­pres­sure and under­pres­sure mea­sure­ment
  • Vol­ume flow mea­sure­ment / con­trol
  • Level mea­sure­ment (bub­ble method)
  • Fine ten­sion mea­sure­ment
  • Pre­ci­sion air duct mea­sure­ments
  • Clean room pres­sure equal­iza­tion
  • Burner vac­uum mea­sure­ment
  • Oven recir­cu­la­tion con­trol


The HE 5411 dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure trans­mit­ter can be option­ally equipped with the ► Easy­Tool Con­trols 4.0 soft­ware and the soft­ware also offers other spe­cial fea­tures that offer con­ve­nient advan­tages com­pared to con­ven­tional prod­ucts.


Func­tions with Easy­Tool Con­trols 4.0:

  • Update of the device soft­ware and dis­play of the device infor­ma­tion
    – Order num­ber
    – Device type
    – Hard­ware ver­sion
    – Soft­ware ver­sion
    – Para­me­ter ver­sion
    – Device-spe­cific data, such as mea­sur­ing ranges, sen­sor types and much more.
  • Process data record­ing in CSV files and live dis­play in dia­gram win­dows
  • Save device para­me­ters to PC and load from PC (e.g. as fac­tory para­me­ter set)
  • Out­put device para­me­ters in PDF or print directly
  • View of the front panel with process data


The right dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure trans­mit­ter for every bud­get and appli­ca­tion

Depend­ing on require­ments and appli­ca­tion, the HE 5411 dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure trans­mit­ter is avail­able with or with­out a dis­play for indi­cat­ing the pres­sure.


HE 5411 Lite, Basic und Pre­mium im Ver­gle­ich
0...10 V Analo­gaus­gang
Lite ✔
Basic ✔
Pre­mium ✔
0...20 mA / 4...20 mA Analo­gaus­gang umschalt­bar
Lite ✔
Basic ✔
Pre­mium ✔
Lite ✔
Basic ✔
Pre­mium ✔
Inbe­trieb­nah­me­hilfe: Test-Aus­gangssig­nal (50%)
Lite ✔
Basic ✔
Pre­mium ✔
4-stel­lige Dif­feren­z­druck-Anzeige
Lite X
Basic ✔
Pre­mium ✔
Lite X
Basic X
Pre­mium ✔
Gren­zw­ertkon­takt (Abfall- und anzugsverzögert)
Lite X
Basic X
Pre­mium ✔
Lite X
Basic X
Pre­mium ✔
PC-Soft­ware zur Kon­fig­u­ra­tion
Lite ✔
Basic ✔
Pre­mium ✔
Mess­bere­ich-Ein­stel­lung (linear/radizierend) über Drehcodier­schal­ter
Lite ✔
Basic ✔
Pre­mium ✔
Zone 2 nur bei Geräten mit 19 … 36 VDC
Zone 22 auch bei 100 … 240 V AC
ausgenom­men Mess­bere­ich ± 1,25 mbar
Zone 2 nur bei Geräten mit 19 … 36 VDC
Zone 22 auch bei 100 … 240 V AC
ausgenom­men Mess­bere­ich ± 1,25 mbar
Zone 22
ausgenom­men Mess­bere­ich ± 1,25 mbar
Measuring ranges (mbar)

-1.25…1.25 (without ATEX approval)
-2,5 … 2,5
-5 … 5
-10 … 10
-25 … 25
-50 … 50
-100 … 100
-1000 … 1000

Technical data

HE 5411
Elec­tric sup­ply
Volt­age19 – 36 VDC100 – 240 VAC
Power con­sump­tionmax. 2W
Sen­sor sys­tem
Mea­sur­ing ranges (mbar)± 1,25, ± 2,5, ± 5, ± 10, ± 25, ± 50, ± 100, ± 1000 gemäß Angaben auf dem Type­n­schild
Max. dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure± 1,25 mbar 1 bar± 2,5... ± 10 0,35 bar± 25 0,5 bar± 50... ± 100 1 bar± 1000 5 bar
MediumAir and dry, non-aggres­sive gases
Mea­sur­ing sys­temTher­mal
(Bypass Tech­nol­ogy)
Mea­sur­ing ranges (mbar)± 1,25± 2,5 ... ± 10± 25 ... ± 100± 350 ... ± 1000
Basic accu­racy-± 1,25 % FSO T = 25° C± 1 % FSO T = 25° C± 0,5 % FSO T = 25° C
Total error± 3 % FSO
T = -20...85° C
± 2 % FSO
T = 0...60° C
± 1,5 % FSO
T = 0...60° C
± 1 % FSO
T = 0...60° C
Pres­sure con­nec­tionPush-in bulk­head fit­tings for 6 mm hose – outer diam­e­ter
Input / Out­put
Ana­logue out­put0…10 V0(4)…20 mA
  Max. per­mis­si­ble load RL ≥ 1 kΩRA ≤ 500 Ω
Relay out­put1 changeover con­tact 250 VAC, 5 A as limit value relay
Ser­vice inter­faceUSB / TTL adapter HE 5851 required
TypeDust-tight poly­car­bon­ate hous­ing (IP 65)
Dimen­sions113 × 80 × 60 (W × H × D)
113 × 110 × 60 (W × H × D) incl. con­nec­tion cou­pling
Cable gland1 × M20 × 1,5 N (for cable diam­e­ters 6-12 mm) with mul­ti­ple seal­ing insert for 2 x cables Ø 6 mm
Con­nec­tion type -push-in-spring con­nec­tion
-or option­ally via M12 con­nec­tor (for 24 V DC
devices only)
Spe­cial char­ac­ter­is­ticsFree from sil­i­cone ¹
Device identification/explosion pro­tec­tionHE 5411 Lite, Basic und Pre­mium
(19 … 36 V DC und 100 … 240 V AC)
außer mit Mess­bere­ich ± 1,25 mbar
II3D Ex tc IIIC T135° Dc IP 65UKCA CE EX Logo
HE 5411 Lite und Basic
(19 … 36 V DC)
außer mit Mess­bere­ich ± 1,25 mbar
Cli­matic envi­ron­men­tal con­di­tions
Oper­a­tion-20° C ... +55° C in EX-Zone: -20° C ...+ 40° C

Errors and omis­sions excepted


Data Sheet HE 5411 Dif­fer­en­tial Pres­sure Trans­mit­ter: Ger­man | Eng­lish

Oper­at­ing Instruc­tions HE 5411: Ger­man | Eng­lish

Drilling tem­plate for HE 5409 and HE 5411

EPLAN Macro HE 5411

Part numbers

Lite–––-10…10 mbar19…36 V DC#54111000ATEX Zone 2 + 22
Lite–––-1,25…1,25 mbar19…36 V DC#54111099
Lite–––-10…10 mbar100…240 V AC#54111100ATEX Zone 22
Lite–––-1,25…1,25 mbar100…240 V AC#54111199
Lite–––-25…25 mbar19…36 V DC#54111200ATEX Zone 2 + 22
Lite–––-2,5…2,5 mbar19…36 V DC#54111299ATEX Zone 2 + 22
Lite–––-25…25 mbar100…240 V AC#54111300ATEX Zone 22
Lite–––-2,5…2,5 mbar100…240 V AC#54111399ATEX Zone 22
Lite–––-50…50 mbar19…36 V DC#54111400ATEX Zone 2 + 22
Lite–––-5…5 mbar19…36 V DC#54111499ATEX Zone 2 + 22
Lite–––-50…50 mbar100…240 V AC#54111500ATEX Zone 22
Lite–––-5…5 mbar100…240 V AC#54111599ATEX Zone 22
Lite–––-100…100 mbar19…36 V DC#54111600ATEX Zone 2 + 22
Lite–––-350…350 mbar19…36 V DC#54111650ATEX Zone 2 + 22
Lite–––-100…100 mbar100…240 V AC#54111700ATEX Zone 22
Lite–––-1.000…1.000 mbar19…36 V DC#54111800ATEX Zone 2 + 22
Lite–––-1.000…1.000 mbar100…240 V AC#54111900ATEX Zone 22
Basic4-stel­lig, 7-Seg­ment, Weiß-10…10 mbar19…36 V DC#54112000ATEX Zone 2 + 22
Basic4-stel­lig, 7-Seg­ment, Weiß-1,25…1,25 mbar19…36 V DC#54112099
Basic4-stel­lig, 7-Seg­ment, Weiß-10…10 mbar100…240 V AC#54112100ATEX Zone 22
Basic4-stel­lig, 7-Seg­ment, Weiß-1,25…1,25 mbar100…240 V AC#54112199ATEX Zone 22
Basic4-stel­lig, 7-Seg­ment, Weiß-25…25 mbar19…36 V DC#54112200ATEX Zone 2 + 22
Basic4-stel­lig, 7-Seg­ment, Weiß-2,5…2,5 mbar19…36 V DC#54112299ATEX Zone 2 + 22
Basic4-stel­lig, 7-Seg­ment, Weiß-25…25 mbar100…240 V AC#54112300ATEX Zone 22
Basic4-stel­lig, 7-Seg­ment, Weiß-2,5…2,5 mbar100…240 V AC#54112399ATEX Zone 22
Basic4-stel­lig, 7-Seg­ment, Weiß-50…50 mbar19…36 V DC#54112400ATEX Zone 2 + 22
Basic4-stel­lig, 7-Seg­ment, Weiß-5…5 mbar19…36 V DC#54112499ATEX Zone 2 + 22
Basic4-stel­lig, 7-Seg­ment, Weiß-50…50 mbar100…240 V AC#54112500ATEX Zone 22
Basic4-stel­lig, 7-Seg­ment, Weiß-5…5 mbar100…240 V AC#54112599ATEX Zone 22
Basic4-stel­lig, 7-Seg­ment, Weiß-100…100 mbar19…36 V DC#54112600ATEX Zone 2 + 22
Basic4-stel­lig, 7-Seg­ment, Weiß-350…350 mbar19…36 V DC#54112650ATEX Zone 2 + 22
Basic4-stel­lig, 7-Seg­ment, Weiß-100…100 mbar100…240 V AC#54112700ATEX Zone 22
Basic4-stel­lig, 7-Seg­ment, Weiß-1.000…1.000 mbar19…36 V DC#54112800ATEX Zone 2 + 22
Basic4-stel­lig, 7-Seg­ment, Weiß-1.000…1.000 mbar100…240 V AC#54112900ATEX Zone 22
Pre­mium4-stel­lig, 7-Seg­ment, Weiß, Alert-LED-10…10 mbar19…36 V DC#54113000ATEX Zone 22
Pre­mium4-stel­lig, 7-Seg­ment, Weiß, Alert-LED-1,25…1,25 mbar19…36 V DC#54113099
Pre­mium4-stel­lig, 7-Seg­ment, Weiß, Alert-LED-10…10 mbar100…240 V AC#54113100ATEX Zone 22
Pre­mium4-stel­lig, 7-Seg­ment, Weiß, Alert-LED-1,25…1,25 mbar100…240 V AC#54113199
Pre­mium4-stel­lig, 7-Seg­ment, Weiß, Alert-LED-25…25 mbar19…36 V DC#54113200ATEX Zone 22
Pre­mium4-stel­lig, 7-Seg­ment, Weiß, Alert-LED-2,5…2,5 mbar19…36 V DC#54113299ATEX Zone 22
Pre­mium4-stel­lig, 7-Seg­ment, Weiß, Alert-LED-25…25 mbar100…240 V AC#54113300ATEX Zone 22
Pre­mium4-stel­lig, 7-Seg­ment, Weiß, Alert-LED-2,5…2,5 mbar100…240 V AC#54113399ATEX Zone 22
Pre­mium4-stel­lig, 7-Seg­ment, Weiß, Alert-LED-50…50 mbar19…36 V DC#54113400ATEX Zone 22
Pre­mium4-stel­lig, 7-Seg­ment, Weiß, Alert-LED-5…5 mbar19…36 V DC#54113499ATEX Zone 22
Pre­mium4-stel­lig, 7-Seg­ment, Weiß, Alert-LED-50…50 mbar100…240 V AC#54113500ATEX Zone 22
Pre­mium4-stel­lig, 7-Seg­ment, Weiß, Alert-LED-5…5 mbar100…240 V AC#54113599ATEX Zone 22
Pre­mium4-stel­lig, 7-Seg­ment, Weiß, Alert-LED-100…100 mbar19…36 V DC#54113600ATEX Zone 22
Pre­mium4-stel­lig, 7-Seg­ment, Weiß, Alert-LED-100…100 mbar100…240 V AC#54113700ATEX Zone 22
Pre­mium4-stel­lig, 7-Seg­ment, Weiß, Alert-LED-1.000…1.000 mbar19…36 V DC#54113800ATEX Zone 22
Pre­mium4-stel­lig, 7-Seg­ment, Weiß, Alert-LED-1.000…1.000 mbar100…240 V AC#54113900ATEX Zone 22

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