Dig­i­tal input mod­ule – HE 5820

The digital input module acquires up to eight binary signals from the process level and transmits them to the higher-level bus system.


8 × digital input for 24 V DC signals

Version as PNP, NPN or potential-free variant

Direct connection of 3-wire sensors

Input specifications according to IEC 1131




Produkt anfragen



Dig­i­tal input mod­ule HE 5820

Com­mu­ni­ca­tion with the dig­i­tal input mod­ule is via an asyn­chro­nous RS485 ser­ial con­nec­tion.

The field­bus cou­pler pro­vides a power sup­ply of 24 V DC per input with a max­i­mum cur­rent of 25 mA for the direct con­nec­tion of prox­im­ity and posi­tion switches, for exam­ple.

The sig­nal state of the dig­i­tal inputs is indi­cated via sta­tus LEDs. The areas of sup­ply volt­age, field­bus and logic are gal­van­i­cally iso­lated from each other.


The fol­low­ing vari­ants are avail­able: poten­tial-free / poten­tial-con­tain­ing con­tacts or 3-wire sen­sors (NPN or PNP tran­sis­tors).




Technical data

HE 5820
Mod­ul­typDig­i­tal-Ein­gangsmodul für HIMOD Sys­teme
8 × 24 V DC
Span­nungsver­sorgungüber inter­nen T-Bus: 24 V DC / 7,5 V DC
Stro­mauf­nahmemax. 225 mA bei 24 V / max. 50 mA bei 7,5 V
Poten­zial­tren­nung1200 Veff [(Ver­sorgung, Logik) / je Kanal]
  Ver­sio­nen  NPN
  Ein­gangsim­ped­anz  typ. 6,8 kΩ
  Schutzmech­a­nis­men  Überspan­nungss­chutz
  Aufnehmerver­sorgung  24 V DC (±10 %),
  max. 25 mA pro Kanal
  Ver­sion NPN  Logik „0“ = 15…30 V
  Logik „1“ = -3…5 V
  Ver­sion PNP  Logik „0“ = -3…5 V
  Logik „1“ = 15…30 V
  Ver­sion poten­tial­frei  Logik „0“ = -3…5 V
  Logik „1“ = 15…30 V
Diag­noseanzeige8 x gelbe LEDs (Sta­tus der Eingänge)
1 x 2-far­bige LED (Modul­sta­tus)
Anschlusstech­nikSchraub-/ Steck­klem­men, Leitungs­quer­schnitt 0,2…2,5 mm²

Fed­erkraft-/ Steck­klem­men, Leitungs­quer­schnitt 0,2…2,5 mm²
Gewicht150 g

Errors and omis­sions excepted


Data sheet HE 5820 – Ger­man

Oper­at­ing Instruc­tions HE 5820 – Ger­man


Data sheet HE 5820 – Eng­lish

Oper­at­ing Instruc­tions HE 5820 – Eng­lish

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