HE 5760 FilÂter conÂtrol
The HE 5760 is a masÂter-slave conÂtrol for the cleanÂing process of chamÂber-oriÂented dust removal sysÂtems. The expanÂsion to a comÂplete cleanÂing conÂtrol is done with the valve conÂtrol HE 5725 (slave), which conÂtrols 12 valves at a time.
Up to 48 valve conÂtrollers can be cenÂtrally conÂtrolled by the HE 5760 as extenÂsions (CAN slaves). Thanks to the techÂnolÂogy of large multi-chamÂber filÂters, sophisÂtiÂcated filÂter conÂtrol tasks can be realÂized. This scalÂaÂbilÂity also makes it posÂsiÂble to equip small sysÂtems with a favorÂable price-perÂforÂmance ratio.
Later extenÂsions and adapÂtaÂtions to local conÂdiÂtions can be impleÂmented withÂout any probÂlems.
SysÂtem strucÂture HE 5760
The HE 5760 filÂter conÂtrol is located in a front panel housÂing with memÂbrane keyÂpad and graphic disÂplay and is designed for instalÂlaÂtion in conÂtrol cabÂiÂnets. OperÂaÂtion takes place locally at the conÂtrol cabÂiÂnet, which can be equipped with addiÂtional switchgear and sigÂnal lamps. The masÂter conÂtrol is set to the existÂing numÂber of chamÂbers and valves using the conÂfigÂuÂraÂtion menu. AlterÂnaÂtively, this can also be done with the PC softÂware “SmartÂTool” via the USB interÂface.
SimÂple and conÂveÂnient comÂmisÂsionÂing thanks to conÂtrol cabÂiÂnet design
Ready-to-assemÂble and ready-to-plug-in conÂtrol cabÂiÂnets sigÂnifÂiÂcantly reduce comÂmisÂsionÂing time and elimÂiÂnate wiring and conÂfigÂuÂraÂtion errors. If necÂesÂsary, comÂmuÂniÂcaÂtion with the conÂtrol sysÂtem is via a CAN parÂalÂlel interÂface.
We are happy to supÂply you with the conÂtrol unit as a tested comÂplete sysÂtem on request. Unpack, install, conÂnect – done.
Find out more about switch cabÂiÂnet conÂstrucÂtion now