Pilot valve box – HE 5700

Consistently user-friendly assembly, operation and service

Pilot valve box for connection to a HESCH valve control system

with 1 to 10 pilot valves (pilot valves)

Simple assembly and quick commissioning

Function display (LEDs) for all valves




Produkt anfragen



Pilot valve box for dedust­ing sys­tems with pneu­matic valves

The HE 5700 pilot valve box is avail­able with 1 to 10 pilot valves (pilot valves). Accord­ingly, it has up to 10 LEDs in the front of the hous­ing, with which the valve con­trol is sig­naled. Thus, the proper func­tion is eas­ily rec­og­niz­able for the user.


The hous­ing is par­tic­u­larly easy to ser­vice and install. Thanks to the hinged lid, only a slot­ted screw­driver is needed to open the device. This saves time com­pared to stan­dard hous­ings which are closed with 4 screws.
Option­ally, the addi­tional lock with 4 screws is also pos­si­ble to pro­tect the device from unau­tho­rized access.


For use in harsh indus­trial envi­ron­ments, such as min­eral, raw mate­r­ial and heavy indus­try, the device is avail­able as a ver­sion in alu­minium hous­ing. For sim­ple appli­ca­tions we rec­om­mend the cheaper plas­tic hous­ing.


Technical data

HE 5700
Sup­ply volt­age 24 V DC ± 10%
Elec­tri­cal safety Accord­ing to DIN-EN 61010-1
EMCInter­fer­ence emis­sion: DIN EN 61000-6-4 | Inter­fer­ence immu­nity: DIN EN 61000-6-2
Dis­play1...10 LED to indi­cate the acti­vated valve
Hous­ing dimen­sions (W x H x D)
1...4 Valves151 x 125 x 90 mm
5...10 Valves231 x 125 x 90 mm
Mount­ingWall mount­ing, ver­ti­cal
Valve con­nec­tionsUp to 1.5 mm² | Max. 0.75 mm² with fer­rule
Push-in spring-cage ter­mi­nals for rigid and flex­i­ble con­duc­tors
Cable feeds1 x M20 cable gland (from right)
Sole­noid valvesPush-in con­nec­tions for Ø6 mm pneu­matic hose
Cli­matic ambi­ent con­di­tions
  Stor­age -20° – +70°C
  Trans­port-20° – +70°C
  Oper­a­tion-20° – +50°C
Rel­a­tive humid­ityRel­a­tive humid­ity ≤ 95% annual aver­age, cli-matic con­di­tions in accor­dance with 3K6 to DIN EN 60721-3
With restric­tion, only install out­doors with pro-tec­tive roof
Air pres­sure in and at:
  Oper­a­tion and stor­age80 kPa bis 106 kPa
  Trans­port70 kPa bis 106 kPa
  Ten­sion24 V DC
  Duty cycle10%
  Play­ing time10 s
  Power con­sump­tion25 W
  Oper­at­ing pres­sure1,5 ...7 bar
  Nom­i­nal size3,2 mm

Errors and omis­sions excepted


Data sheet HE 5700 pilot valve box: Ger­man | Eng­lish

Quick guide HE 5700 pilot valve box: Ger­man | Eng­lish

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