Valve con­trol – HE 5712 (mod­u­lar)

Valve control with integrated differential pressure sensor

Clear symbols for intuitive operation via membrane keys

Fast commissioning thanks to minimal cabling effort and screwless connection technology

Pre-Coating Support

Differential pressure or time-dependent cleaning




Produkt anfragen



HE 5712 – Valve con­trol with sep­a­rate oper­at­ing and con­trol unit

The HE 5712 enables the time or dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure depen­dent con­trol of up to 8 sole­noid valves in indus­trial dust removal tech­nol­ogy. The valves are acti­vated sequen­tially and mon­i­tored for over­cur­rent and inter­rup­tion. The dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure is mea­sured directly by the con­troller, so no exter­nal sen­sor is required.



Differential pressure column of the HE 5712

Dis­play of the dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure switch­ing thresh­olds

Intu­itive oper­a­tion

The lan­guage-inde­pen­dent sym­bol labelling enables the con­trol sys­tem to be used world­wide.


  • Clear sta­tus dis­play with LEDs
  • Sim­ple oper­a­tion with­out com­pli­cated menu struc­tures










Con­ve­nient para­me­ter­i­za­tion

The con­trol sys­tem can be para­me­ter­ized via the mem­brane key­pad or option­ally with the Easy­Tool Con­trols soft­ware. With Easy­Tool Con­trols, para­me­ter data sets can be trans­ferred to the con­troller eas­ily and quickly. This is par­tic­u­larly con­ve­nient when a num­ber of con­trollers have to be recorded with the same data sets.



Prac­ti­cal: Flex­i­ble mount­ing for reduced cabling

The mod­u­lar con­cept of the HE 5712 allows the con­trol unit to be mounted sep­a­rately from the oper­at­ing unit. The con­trol unit can be mounted up to 100 meters away from the con­trol unit so that the con­trol unit is in the user’s field of vision. This means he always has the sta­tus dis­play in view and can react quickly if nec­es­sary. The con­trol unit with the valve con­nec­tions remains close to the valves, which sig­nif­i­cantly reduces the amount of cabling required.

The sep­a­rately avail­able con­nec­tion set with match­ing cable glands and the pre-assem­bled cables with valve plugs in var­i­ous lengths are a use­ful addi­tion to the con­trol sys­tem.


Industrial dust collection and extraction systems

Delta p-Sensor

Technical data

HE 5712
Mea­sur­ing Ranges
0…35 mbar
0…90 mbar
0…450 mbar
Max. Dif­fer­en­tial Pres­sureMea­sur­ing range 0…35 mbar: 160 mbar
Mea­sur­ing range 0…90 mbar: 400 mbar
Mea­sur­ing range 0…450 mbar: 2000 mbar
MediumAir, as well as dry, non-aggres­sive gases
Base Accu­racy± 1 % of full scale
Tem­per­a­ture Drift± 0.05 % / K of full scale
Hys­tere­sis± 0.5 % of full scale
Appli­ca­tionSole­noid valve con­trol for clean­ing indus­trial fil­ter sys­tems
Valve Out­putsMax. 8 out­puts, 24 V DC
Sup­ply Volt­age100–240 VAC / 50 – 60 Hz or 24 VDC ±10% Safety Extra Low Volt­age (SELV)
Power Con­sump­tion30 VA at 100–240 VAC con­trol Max. 30 W at 24 VDC con­trol
Pulse Time0.01 – 9.99 sec­onds adjustable
Pause Time1.0 – 999 sec­onds adjustable
Dis­play7-seg­ment dis­play, 3 dig­its, 14 mm height, white
For dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure / valve dis­play, para­me­ter and alarm val­ues
LEDs14 LEDs for sta­tus indi­ca­tors, 16 LEDs for dif­fer­en­tial pres­sure col­umn
Ana­log Out­put4 – 20 mA, max. per­mis­si­ble bur­den: 400 Ω
Dig­i­tal InputsStart, post-clean­ing, release
Relay Out­put1 changeover con­tact 250 VAC, 5 A as com­bined oper­at­ing and fault mes­sage
Inter­facesUSB Device, Type B for writ­ing and read­ing para­me­ters (USB / TTL adapter required)
Air / Creep­age Dis­tancesPol­lu­tion degree 2, over­volt­age cat­e­gory II
EMCEmis­sion: DIN EN 61000-6-4
Immu­nity: DIN EN 61000-6-2
Hous­ing Dimen­sions
  Com­pact hous­ing231 × 125 × 90 mm
(Con­trol panel mount­ing)
200 × 122 × 30 mm
(Con­trol unit)
192 × 128 × 63 mm
Con­nec­tion Set for
Com­pact Hous­ing
•    2 × M32 with multi-den­sity insert for 6 cables with 6 mm diam­e­ter
•    3 × M16 for power sup­ply and com­mu­ni­ca­tion
Elec­tri­cal Con­nec­tionsPower sup­ply: cross-sec­tion rigid/flexible: max. 2.5 mm², flex­i­ble: max. 1.5 mm² with fer­rule Rest: cross-sec­tion rigid/flexible: max. 1.5 mm², flex­i­ble: max. 0.75 mm² with fer­rule
Pneu­matic Con­nec­tionsPres­sure mea­sur­ing line: Bulk­head fit­ting for Ø6 mm hose
  Com­pact hous­ingWall mount­ing. Instal­la­tion posi­tion ver­ti­cal
  Mod­u­larCon­trol panel hous­ing, instal­la­tion posi­tion ver­ti­cal
Con­trol unit: stan­dard rail
Cli­matic envi­ron­men­tal con­di­tions
  Stor­age-20° – +70°C
  Trans­port-40° – +85°C
  Oper­a­tionCom­pact hous­ing
  •  -20°C – +50°C
  •  in EX Zone 22: -20° – +40°C
  •  -20°C – +50°C
  •  No EX approval
   Rel­a­tive Humid­ityRel­a­tive humid­ity 95%, no con­den­sa­tion allowed, KUF accord­ing to DIN 40400

Errors and omis­sions excepted


Data sheet HE 5712 – Ger­man

Data sheet HE 5712 – Eng­lish

Oper­at­ing Instruc­tions HE 5721 – Ger­man

Oper­at­ing Instruc­tions HE 5712 – Eng­lish

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