ATEX pot­ting

ATEX pot­ting offers pro­tec­tion against extreme envi­ron­men­tal con­di­tions

Spot sur­face pot­ting is used to effec­tively pro­tect elec­tronic assem­blies from envi­ron­men­tal influ­ences such as mois­ture or dirt. With our expe­ri­ence of more than 30 years and our highly qual­i­fied employ­ees as well as a mod­ern plant park, we are well equipped to also offer you a cus­tomized solu­tion around the ATEX-com­pli­ant pot­ting.

Our offer in the field of pot­ting:

Spot sur­face pot­ting

ATEX com­pli­ant pot­ting

Cus­tomized coat­ing

Paint­ing splash water pro­tec­tion elec­tronic assem­blies

Indi­vid­ual pot­ting com­pounds accord­ing to cus­tomer spec­i­fi­ca­tions

ATEX Teilverguss einer Leiterkarte - Elektronikbaugruppe im ATEX-Verguss
Electronics protection through Atex potting
ATEX potting HESCH Industrie-Elektronik-GmbH

Pro­fes­sional ATEX pot­ting pro­tects elec­tron­ics from dam­age caused by:

Electronics protection through Atex potting
  • Water
  • Humid­ity
  • Chem­i­cals
  • Dust par­ti­cles
  • Dirt
Electronics protection through Atex potting
  • Cor­ro­sion
  • Con­cus­sion
  • Vibra­tion
  • Impact dam­age
  • Cen­trifu­gal forces
Electronics protection through Atex potting
  • Explo­sion
  • Over­heat­ing
  • Over­load
  • High volt­age
  • Copy­right

Call us – We will be happy to advise you! Or write us via the con­tact form

+49 5032 9535-0

Head­quar­ters Neustadt near Hanover

+49 40 72757-00

Branch office Wen­torf near Ham­burg

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    Atten­tion: For data pro­tec­tion rea­sons, you must con­firm the legal notice with a tick in order to be able to sub­mit the form.

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